2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition

2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition
시작: 15/06/2024
종료: 27/07/2024

참가를 원하시면 작품제출마감일 7월 27일(토요일)까지 학교에 작품과 작품설명(한국어와 영어번역), 그리고 참가신청서(CLSSA-Student-Art-Showcase-Form-2024)를 제출하시기 바랍니다.

참가를 원하시면 작품제출마감일 7월 27일(토요일)까지 학교에 작품과 작품설명(한국어와 영어번역), 그리고 참가신청서(CLSSA-Student-Art-Showcase-Form-2024)를 제출하시기 바랍니다.
Community Language Schools SA (CLSSA) is thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 CLSSA Student Art Showcase Competition. Supported by the Department for Education and the Government of South Australia, this competition aims to inspire, support, and celebrate the love of language learning in Australia. It highlights the cultural, linguistic, and ethnic diversity of South Australia’s multicultural society. The competition is open to all students attending CLSSA’s community language schools.

The topic competition of this year is:

“In this Olympic Games year, explore and reflect on how Sports have played a significant role in contributing to the development of cultural backgrounds and identities.”
Consider how:
– Sports can shape individual and collective cultural identities.
– Legendary athletes have made history and elevated their countries’ profiles.
– Sporting events can unite individuals, cultures, and nations.

The main details of the competition are:
– Four separate age groups (4-6; 7-9; 10-13; 14-18 years).
– Three art categories (Visual Art, Handcrafted 3D Model, or Writing) in each age group.
– Prizes for all art category winners and runners-up in each age group as judged by CLSSA.
– All entries receive a participation certificate.

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